Where does the time go?!?
I have calmed down since the last time I blogged - which is a good thing! The family has pulled up their socks and everyone is a team player again! WHEWF!!!! LOL
My oldest is trying to find his niche in life, and he has decided "rigs" is a good place to start to make some money and work hard! He is definately not afraid of hard work and he will definately appreciate the money. He has a champagne taste! He had a small rig adventure - he zoomed out to Olds Alberta and did a couple days with a rig. It was very sudden and very confusing and emotional to be scooted off so quickly - NOT EVEN 24 hours notice!!!!! While up in Olds there was a MAJOR hail storm - which happened to TOTAL off his baby - Audi A4!! The windshield is a total mess...hail hit so hard it broke the glass!!!! So now he is looking for a truck - more appropriate for rig work. But let's be reminded that he will need a co-signer and we WILL NOT be co-signing for a $42,000.00 TRUCK!!!! OMFG!!!!!! He seriously thought it would be ok if we signed for something like that...My Hubbie and I don't even drive vehicles that expensive..... So after much debate and heartache - he understands that perhaps a less expensive truck first to get himself established is a much better idea!!!!!
My youngest has just started his part time job working at a pet store...I have always called him an animal whisperer....he has an unbeliveable calm around animals! So he has been riding his bicycle down the hill and back in order to get to work. He doesn't quite have enough money to get started driving his car!!!! After his first pay cheque he definately will have the money!!!! I can't wait for him to drive his car.....He is also rocking this new job. He is sooo excited about it and does so well! I am extremely proud that he has found something to be passionate about! So kudo's to you my love! I am very proud of you!!!!
Holidays are around the corner, I CAN"T WAIT.....my Hubbie and I are SOOOO ready for our holidays this year.....But it will be the first time that we holiday without kids! I believe that either boy will be able to make it out to the Lake this year....It will be sooo wonderful to have 2 full weeks with my Hubbie OR it could be one of those holidays that you don't know what to do! I remember when our oldest stopped coming out due to work, and it was so hard...Then our youngest slowly stopped coming out too..... But usually we will have one or the other with us. This summer - looks like none of my boys will be able to make it due to work schedules! I feel a tear coming on as I think we have reached that point in our lives where they are busy doing their own thing. It may be a tear of joy or sadness....This I am unsure of...lol...I will let you know AFTER our holidays...It should be a VERY relaxing one if anything......