Friday, August 26, 2011

Baby Got Back...and Kittens

Well my baby is back! Our oldest FINALLY came home after being on the rigs for 30 days!!!! Now, remember how much I missed him?He came home at 3 in the morning and snuck in the house. I saw his shoes at the back door on my way to work and went bombing downtstairs to say good morning....Needless to say in my excitement I scared the CRAP out of him...bahahhaha  I must admit, I really, really missed him....Our house was sooo quiet and tidy it was almost defaning!  Well, please remind me of this next time....I zoomed home from work that day in anticipation of us catching up and actually seeing my son! Yup, it's true, how soon you forget....Couldn't park in the garage, stuff all OVER the garage floor, half done laundry, laundry all over my LIVING ROOM FLOOR, it was CHAOS!!!!!!!!! It is funny how soon you forget the things that frustrate you and only remember the "good" stuff....But all in all I am pleased he is home and yes, our house is still a disaster with his MESS.....

My little animal whisperer saved a couple kittens the other day....A couple of kittens were left in a parking lot, and someone brought them to the pet store....It is STRICT policy that they NEVER accept pets....well....Kyle couldn't just let them be so he took them in and brought them home.....Now, remember we already HAVE 2 CATS!!!!!  Not to mention my hubbie is not a CAT FAN!!!!!  So we had 2 little kitties that OUR cats thought were aweful.....Our cats, Kenny and Harold were hissing and growling and so bent out of shape! OMG We couldn't leave any of them alone. My hubbie just about flipped his lid, I seriously thought I saw his head spin 'round when he came home to 2 more KITTENS.....soooo funny.......Kyle, was a good boy and found proper homes for these 2 kittens, whom we affectionately named Fred, and Hank.....

I am off to the Lake - to meet up with my darling Hubby (he went out last night with his "bestest" friend) and I cannot wait to milk one more glorious weekend out of summer....

So all in all it has been an interesting usual....I wouldn't miss this for anything....This is just our life and I LOVE it!!!!!!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Social Social Social.....

It is already showing signs that Fall is around the corner! Soon Kyle will be in school and we will be back to our regular routine! I always consider September my "New Year"

This past weekend was a BLAST!!!

Friday - My FAV Brit friend and I got together for a little catch up - as we haven't seen each almost all Summer! Her baby is growing up so fast and SO DAMN ADORABLE!!! My peep was FINALLY able to see a live bear in the wilderness this past week....That was one of her goals since moving to Canada....It is always refreshing to catch up with her, and bounce ideas off - I love the way she thinks, her business mind is FAB....hopefully it won't be that long until we chat again.

Saturday - Went over to my other girlfriends and visited while she did my toes!!! What a gal!!!! Especially because she HATES FEET!!! bahahahah Not sure how I finagled that one.... :) We also had a little discussion about life and what we affectionately call the "bitch fest".  While we were wining and whining her husband was cooking up a storm! Isn't that the way it should be?!?!?!?!?

Saturday PM - I literally rolled from one friends to another...This time my Hubby and most fav buddy came along to very dear friends of ours for a BBQ!~ Man - J & R can cook up a storm! I LOVE LOVE LOVE going to their house - I love their yard, it should be in a magazine - seriously! And the food...hmmmm always FANTASTIC!!!!!!!! Not to mention the company - It was a Super fantastic day spent with people I hold so dear and close to my heart!!!

Sunday - I had my Mom and Dad over, they will be gone on yet another vay cay for the next few weeks and will miss my Hubbies 50th bday....We actually hadn't seen my folks for quite some time so thought it would be nice to BBQ up some grub and have a good catch up....I enjoy fussing over them and letting them truly chillax at our house...They deserve to be waited on hand and foot.....

So all in all it was a FAB weekend, yet again!!!! This week will be awesome my baby is coming home from his first "stint" at the Rigs - after 30 DAYS!!!! OMG that is a long haul...So I will have stories for that I hope and this weekend, we are scooting out to the lake - trying to milk the last few weekends of summer.......

Monday, August 15, 2011

More Birthdays and Inspiration!!!!

WOW what a week and FAST weekend! I have said this a million times - I NEED ANOTHER VAY CAY!!!!!

It's always hard to go back to work after a fantastic holiday, this time my Hubbie and I both felt it! I feel bad for him....when he comes back, he covers for his Boss - so....he works 12 out of 14 days in  a ROW!!! UGH.....

Sunday was a great family day! My Sister-in-Law hosted a 75th AND 18th!  My Mother-in-Law turned 75 in July and she is as spry as all get up! LOL Marina (sister-in-law) invited a few of her friends over and we gave her a little surprise....It was GREAT!!!!

Also, our awesomely funny Nephew turned 18 in early August so we honored him...He is the funniest kid...ahem...young man! I love him to bits - We wish him well with taking Business in Sept at Sait!!!!

Now to back track a bit. Rob's Uncle had a severe stroke last November - he came up to the Foothills Hospital and spend some serious time here in Calgary he is now back in his home in Southern Alberta. He lost a lot of his speach and mobilitiy of his right side. He and his wife and Son came up for the birthday festivities and I was able to chat with him and see how well he has improved. Rob's Uncle was sooo excited to see everyone and he was talking up a storm. I can only commend him - he is truly an inspiration! He is a realization that life can change without notice in a blink of an eye. Uncle and Aunt are very dear to my Husband - he is very close with them and carry's Uncle high on a pedastal. It was great to see them visiting.  I can only imagine the frustration of having to learn EVERYTHING over again.....Uncle's perserverance is AMAZING and such an INSPIRATION!!!!!

So after all the festivities were over my Hubbie, Kyle and I drove home and crawled into bed - needless to say we were SPENT!!!! Here's looking for a less tiring week!!!!!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Birthday's are comng up fast and furiously!

My Hubbie and I have our birthdays a day apart - if you can imagine that! It was so fun to learn they were a day apart long ago and far away when we first met!!!!  Sooooooo having said that, my darling Hubbie will be the magical 50 this year....I can't believe it really....I don't think he can believe it either?! But isn't 50 the new 30 or something like that LOL....

Now, the question do I or DO I surprise him?!?!?!? In our group of friends 50 seems to be the year that everyone likes to slip away on a vay cay with their spouse! This I can ensure you won't be happening as we just did some holiday math, and are in the process of buying some hardwood flooring....(totally didn't think that one through....) So we are feeling a bit strapped for cash!

I was thinking of sending him a HUGE balloon bouquet to his work - that would seriously embarass the pants off of him....My Hubbie is a quiet man, who doesn't like a lot of attention thrown his way....I believe it would be fun to embarass him this year. I have NEVER sent anything to his work for his birthday but I may throw caution to the wind and go out on a limb! LOL

Stay tuned......

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Milestones Even at this Age

What a FAB holiday!!!!!!!!! It was "officially" the first summer vay cay without kids! As I look back at the pictures we took...My Hubbie looks soo happy and rested! Funny how things go, I missed our boys more than I thought. Kyle suprized us on the long weekend by coming out unannounced - I was so happy I burst into tears!!! Who knew THAT would It was a great surprize and we thoroughly enjoyed his company.  Brandon didn't make it out - as he scooted off to the rigs for the official start date.

Kyle, our youngest, has his part time job at the pet store, he has only been there a few weeks and already he is Small Animal Supervisor - he is so calm and has such a strong presence around animals - I truly believe he is an animal whisperer.....Other exciting news about Kyle is he has finally been able to get that CAR on the road!!!! Woo Hoo....He was so excited to drive his OWN car to work.....It was a very proud moment to see our Son drive away by himself, in his car! I equate it to the first day of Kindergarten and Grade One. So very proud with tears running down my face....Yes, I am a eyes are constantly tearing up for happy or sad...LOL

Brandon has been doing well at the rigs! It's a big change for him to be away - living on his own, and having to do all those things a Mother does..... He has been very successful with that I believe...He calls every 2nd day and touches base with us - so nice to hear his voice! It's odd to not have him coming and going around the house. The house stays tidier LOL But the house is so empty compared to what it was.

So all in all this summer has been an awesome one full of very important milestones, ones that will not soon be forgotten..... It's hard to believe that we have 2 teenage boys, so grown up.  I find it hard to believe that one is gone most of the time - working away from home and the other is busy going to school soon, in the Fall, and working a LOT..... Time truly goes so very very fast. I can vividly remember the time we brought each baby boy home full of joy and awe. Now they are independant young men that I am so very proud of!!!!!!