Monday, June 6, 2011

Lake, Rigs and Coffee

I can't believe it is already June!!!! Seriously where does the time go??????

We have been able to get out  to the lake a fair bit...soo exciting!  This past weekend, we were fortunate enough to zoom out as a FAMILY - the 4 of us went in 1 vehicle! That NEVER happens...usually a friend comes along or Brandon takes his car...It was so much fun to travel together.

At the lake my Cousin and her Husband were out, along with their friend - it was awesome - they took the boys for a doon buggy ride and dirt biking....My Cous and I sat around and caught up on life's events! It was fantastic - not to mention the 28degree weather we had! So again, all in all a FAB weekend at the lake - counting the days 'til we go again!!!!

Brandon - our oldest is restless - he is trying to find his niche in life.  He is figuring he wants to go out to the "rigs" - he has a LOT of debt for his young age so he figures go to the "rigs" and get ahead all the while deciding what path his life will take. This is great for him - not so much for his MOM!!!!! I am having separation anxiety and he hasn't even gone yet! I will keep you posted on the events.....

Kyle was so adorable this morning, keeping in mind he IS 17!!! I know I speak of him like is 8 but he is my BABY and always will be.....For the first time in EVER - he was up BEFORE us on a week day!!!! I seriously was concerned..that NEVER happens....So he comes into our room with 2 coffee's, cream and sugar on the side!! OMG how great and THOUGHTFUL was that!?!?!?!?!?! What a terrific way to start the day....

Stay tuned as we will have a busy couple weekends - we will be celebrating Nephews Grad party; Grandma's 70th birthday; Brandon's 19th birthday; Father's Day; and a quick trip down South to pick up some stuff......will keep you posted.....

Happy Monday!!!!!!

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