Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Poop In A Group

First, a little history to the "poop in a group" saying....My co-worker thought this was the funniest saying EVER!!!! It was said to me....."who says that?"  sooooo funny - we ended up laughing so hard we had tears. So yes, I do have my own language as most people who are close to me know. We call them "Sueisms" it's just a fact of life!  It only gets scary when you actually understand them and know what I am talking about....lol

So back to getting my "poop in a group" - I really need to figure out this baby shower thing this weekend. I sometimes wonder why I choose to do these things. I LOVE hosting them, I just don't like organizing the food and cleaning the house part of it...If I could wave a magic wand and it would all look like Martha Stewart stepped in or Sarah Richardson came and decorated etc....perhaps I could wave the wand and they could BOTH come...Wouldn't I be the hostess with the mostess.....

I get all these grand ideas and never actually impement them....This time I cross my fingers and hope that I will follow through with my many ideas of how to host the perfect most awesome best hostess in the world shower....Now to figure out how to become incredibly creative and crafty, along with a really really good cook..or should I say chef????? Wouldn't it be awesome to have many pink themed foods, not in a gross way but in a really cool way.....hmmmmm here I go again with all these grand ideas...

I think I will have to settle for what I am capable of doing, ordering trays from the local grocer and perhaps baking my "famous brownies" that my dear friend loves so much! I could even throw a pink punch together....that sounds more like my style....Stay tuned, we'll see how that magic wands works!!!!

1 comment:

  1. BAHAHA Don't worry- your poop will be grouped. I know you are going to ROCK it and Tanya is going to love love love it! Let me know if I can do anything to help <3
