Friday, February 25, 2011

Social Butterfly

As I stated in my previous blog, I am not used to being so social....I am not against it, my life is usually just not that exciting!

This weekend, is going to be fun.....

We are going to the Home and Garden Show with a few friends! It should be full of giggles for sure!!!! (seriously - I have only a few friends, and so far you have met them all - I just make it sound like I have a LOT of friends)

Then on Sunday evening my Hubbie and I are going to a GALA......ooooohhhhh how exciting!!!!  My Husbands work is receiving an award, so his Boss and Wife invited us to go along and bask in the glory! So....I have asked what award they won? Again, Boys are Dumb!!! My darling Hubbie had no clue!!!! How can you NOT know what award you are getting!?!?!?!??! sheesh

 I am struggling with what to wear and all of that....Boys have it easy - My Husband owns 1 suit and 1 tie so it's easy for him...I on the other hand own 2 dresses and 1 fancy pair of shoes, so you can see where the stress comes in!!!! Should I buy another dress, wear one of the two I already have (so many to choose from lol) As you can tell by our wardrobes we don't go to formal or semi formal for that matter...very often!!! :)

But really, it will work out if I wave that magic wand.....wait, last time I waved that thing it FLOPPED...stay tuned it should be a good one....

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