Wednesday, March 23, 2011

I am NOT NEUROTIC am I?!?!??!

As I have said before, I like to make lists and have been teased continually about them.....

I was chatting to a dear friend yesterday and realized that we really needed to have a real good catch up...we had spoken the whole way home on my commute, and still continued chatting at home. It is so hard to go from seeing each other every single day to seeing each other barely at all..... The sad thing is that she lives literally houses away from us....hmmmmmm life just gets so darn busy doesn't it?????

As we decided we really must continue the convo face to face, I had said that I needed to make a list of all the things I wanted to chat to her about. I kept thinking about all the things that had happened and didn't have time to discuss....I didn't want to miss telling her anyting important.....Well this made my darling friend laugh....I don't believe she was laughing WITH me, I am sure she was laughing AT me...

Can I help it I am a true Virgo through and through...I LOVE LOVE LOVE lists, they calm me, help me to feel in control, and help me to see what I have accomplished. Is that really so bad? Once another girlfriend of mine - asked if I had a list of lists. And on occassion I have been known to do that....Can you seriously believe it??!?!?! If any of you truly knows who I am, you can see the logic behind it. If you don't really know me, you will believe I am completely off my rocker!!!!

Thankfully I laugh at myself, knowing that those sacred lists keep my life in order, calm and together...If I didn't have those lists I truly believe my whole world would unravel. And who the heck doesn't make lists...seriously who really doesn't make lists...I am not that neurotic am I??????

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