Thursday, March 10, 2011

I like Bubbles in my Bath......times 3!!!!

Well it is that time of year, when Spring starts to creep in and everyone gets the dreaded flu!
I must say it has hit my house with a vengence!!!!!! As you all know, I have 2 boys and a husband......and we all know what men are like when they are sick........

Yesterday I had a call from my oldest son - "Mom come home, I am soooo sick". You must understand that he is fiercely independant and 18! So for him to call me close to tears to come home - he is SICK!!!!! So I zoomed home to my sick baby.....I got home and he had a fever of 104.something....into the tepid tub to cool him down and pile in the Motrin.....Drink up the gatorade and try to have some chicken noodle soup! He was soooo sick and sore and chills it was crazy! It has been about 2 years since he's been that sick!!!

I started cleaning his man cave, known to us as the basement. When I say clean - I mean DISINFECT!!!!ewww disgusting! But it had to be done, get rid of those aweful GERMS!!!! While my sick baby was in the tub and I was running around disinfecting, I started singing "I like bubbles in my bath" a song from long ago! I was thinking about when your babies are sick and how young they look, and how pathetic they look. I wish I could take away all their pain.

Thinking I was actually getting ahead of the game, I finally came out of the man cave, and upstairs on the main floor was my youngest baby - asking me if I had anything for a headache and sore throat! OMG - He is a very independant sick person, you are better off leaving him alone. Sneaking in his room and giving him medicine and running away again. Grumpy sick person is an UNDERSTATEMENT!!!!! His room is not as bad as the gross man cave, so I was able to throw some medicine his way and wait for the major flu to hit him...he is definately still in the early stages.

Part three of this tale-  not only are my 2 sons sick so is my HUSBAND!!!! Now, he has been quite sick for a few days already. I actually thought he was on his way to getting better. Again, last night on his way home - he always calls me - he was sounding worse and told me how aweful he felt! OMG X 3!!!!!! How can this be, all boys in my house are ill!!!!! My husband came home, ate some soup, had a neocitran and went to bed!

My hands are raw from all the washing and santizing - I am exhausted from running all over the house for the sick boys! The one disadvantage to a 2 storey home!!!!! :( Only to awake with a headache, sore throat and the begginings of body aches.....hmmmm I wonder which boy will take care of me while I am down with the flu????

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