Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Milestones Even at this Age

What a FAB holiday!!!!!!!!! It was "officially" the first summer vay cay without kids! As I look back at the pictures we took...My Hubbie looks soo happy and rested! Funny how things go, I missed our boys more than I thought. Kyle suprized us on the long weekend by coming out unannounced - I was so happy I burst into tears!!! Who knew THAT would happen...lol It was a great surprize and we thoroughly enjoyed his company.  Brandon didn't make it out - as he scooted off to the rigs for the official start date.

Kyle, our youngest, has his part time job at the pet store, he has only been there a few weeks and already he is Small Animal Supervisor - he is so calm and has such a strong presence around animals - I truly believe he is an animal whisperer.....Other exciting news about Kyle is he has finally been able to get that CAR on the road!!!! Woo Hoo....He was so excited to drive his OWN car to work.....It was a very proud moment to see our Son drive away by himself, in his car! I equate it to the first day of Kindergarten and Grade One. So very proud with tears running down my face....Yes, I am a leaker...my eyes are constantly tearing up for happy or sad...LOL

Brandon has been doing well at the rigs! It's a big change for him to be away - living on his own, and having to do all those things a Mother does..... He has been very successful with that I believe...He calls every 2nd day and touches base with us - so nice to hear his voice! It's odd to not have him coming and going around the house. The house stays tidier LOL But the house is so empty compared to what it was.

So all in all this summer has been an awesome one full of very important milestones, ones that will not soon be forgotten..... It's hard to believe that we have 2 teenage boys, so grown up.  I find it hard to believe that one is gone most of the time - working away from home and the other is busy going to school soon, in the Fall, and working a LOT..... Time truly goes so very very fast. I can vividly remember the time we brought each baby boy home full of joy and awe. Now they are independant young men that I am so very proud of!!!!!!

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