Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Shopping and Romantic Weekends

I am soooo excited!!!!!! It's March 30 already, ENOUGH with WINTER and bring on SPRING!!!!!

Last week was the Grand Opening of a clothing - chain store in my home town.  I was soooo excited. After rushing there immediately after work on Thursday -  I found some great items for SPRING!!! 2 new dresses and a beautiful jacket! Dresses are so easy to wear - they require no thought and you instantly look put together. I love that! One dress is black and has a pattern - hard to describe but easy to wear - feels like PJ's....the other is more along the Jackie O style that is navy with navy polka dots - sooo cute.... The jacket that I purchased is black and cream with a bold pattern. It reminds me of my Winnipeg girlfriends fav jacket - mine is different but the concept of being able to wear it with anything any season is the same!!!! I always wish I was more like my Winnipeg friend - she is the BOMB!!!! Always put together, funky, and super decorator abilities - I call her Martha.....My only wish is that she lived in the same town as me again! :(......

My husband ALWAYS works SATURDAYS - due to the industry that he is in....But.....this weekend he was offered to take Saturday off....I don't even think he had to think about I am sooo excited!!!!!!! It is such a rare occasion we have the weekend off together. So now I am thinking of all the wonderful romantic, fun, things to do TOGETHER!!! I asked my Hubby to plan something and he reminded me of our lunch fiasco - that perhaps this time I could do the planning...bahahahaha Good man - he learns quickly!!!!  So I am trying to plan some fab things to do.  Watch - we will end up doing NOTHING and hanging out all weekend!!!!!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

I am NOT NEUROTIC am I?!?!??!

As I have said before, I like to make lists and have been teased continually about them.....

I was chatting to a dear friend yesterday and realized that we really needed to have a real good catch up...we had spoken the whole way home on my commute, and still continued chatting at home. It is so hard to go from seeing each other every single day to seeing each other barely at all..... The sad thing is that she lives literally houses away from us....hmmmmmm life just gets so darn busy doesn't it?????

As we decided we really must continue the convo face to face, I had said that I needed to make a list of all the things I wanted to chat to her about. I kept thinking about all the things that had happened and didn't have time to discuss....I didn't want to miss telling her anyting important.....Well this made my darling friend laugh....I don't believe she was laughing WITH me, I am sure she was laughing AT me...

Can I help it I am a true Virgo through and through...I LOVE LOVE LOVE lists, they calm me, help me to feel in control, and help me to see what I have accomplished. Is that really so bad? Once another girlfriend of mine - asked if I had a list of lists. And on occassion I have been known to do that....Can you seriously believe it??!?!?! If any of you truly knows who I am, you can see the logic behind it. If you don't really know me, you will believe I am completely off my rocker!!!!

Thankfully I laugh at myself, knowing that those sacred lists keep my life in order, calm and together...If I didn't have those lists I truly believe my whole world would unravel. And who the heck doesn't make lists...seriously who really doesn't make lists...I am not that neurotic am I??????

Monday, March 21, 2011

Finding Treasures and SHAVING?!?!?!?!?

I believe every female can relate to a new store opening in their City/Town..... We have been anxiously awaiting the opening of a few stores in our small town!

We first heard rumors of Costco a few years ago and after much anticipation it arrived safely and soundly! Yup, 2 minutes from our driveway - down the hill to our beloved Costco....ahhhhh it was lovely when it now the novelty of that has worn off......there is a new strip mall being built across from our beloved Costco....

Winners, Chatters, West 49, Dollarama - now those stores are the bomb!! Can you believe it?!?!?! We will never have to run to the big City again....all my dreams are coming true...although I am sure there are a few more stores that I MUST HAVE......Chatters and Dollarama have already opened this past weekend..I have not had the pleasure of checking them out myself yet, but you know it is on my list of MUST DO's!!!!!

This weekend is the much anticipated WINNER's opening...Now, with Winners, it can be a hit or miss. I have a love/hate relationship with this store. I will complain I never find anything and then I step in and all is mine! Other times I can search through EVERYTHING and find NOTHING.....grrrr but this weekend....I am going with my environmentally friendly shopping bags to hopefully fill them with all the lovely Spring treasures I find.  I have made my list of things that I NEED, and things that would be NICE.....ranging from new flats, to skinny pants, to blouses, bags, sheets, vases, picture frames, dresses, tops, shorts, hmmmm I am SURE I missed a few items...(evil cackle)

I will also be stopping in to check out the Dollarama - who doesn't need a card or some little thing from the dollar store? Also, will be checking out Chatters, it's time to buy some great product/shampoo/conditioner for my hair - Spring is coming and I must get those outfits co-ordinated and my hair looking great....ohhhhhh I just realized that would mean I NEED to shave/mow my legs and get rid of winter growth...(gross I know - but you can all relate).  So for now, I anxiously await the weekend with high hopes of fantastic TREASURES with my name on them!!!!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Not so Romantic Romantic Lunch

Isn't it fun to spend some nice relaxing time with your significant other? I love it when my Hubbie and I hang out doing errands and this and that......

Sunday we had just that type of day - We slept in and had a leisurely coffee and decided it was time to set off to the big city for a few errands.  We went to one of our favorite big box stores and found some fantastic handles for our kitchen cabinets!!! I was over the moon - every house we have owned I've wanted new dream came true!!!! We went to look at furniture - we are needing a few items and can't decide which purchase is more important right table or pretty wall unit for bonus room......Any way - looking at furniture having a fabulous time together feeling all warm and fuzzy kind of day.  (didn't really find anything we HAD to have YET) So we were winding up our day in the big city, we decided we were feeling a litte peckish and wanted to find something to nosh on....Of course my Hubbie asked...."Where do you want to go" So I promptly suggested he decide. Well we all know how this can go, either really well or really bad! Guess which way this one

We headed out on Deerfoot and I was thinking..hmmm I wonder where he is taking me, soon we are on our way back to our town, and I asked...."Did you forget darling, that we were going to eat?" my Hubbie decided  we will go to our town and eat......This immediately slimmed my chances of a nice romantic lunch together.....we ended up getting stuck by a train so my darling Hubbie pulled into the Roadside Gas Station/ Restaurant and we ate IN at A & W...."fancy schmancy" - so much for the romantic lunch together in the big city....

Monday, March 14, 2011

Springing Ahead - or not so MUCH!!!!

For the first time in my LIFE, we forgot to Spring ahead......Seriously who does that?!?!?!?! There are people talking about the time change days in advance, EVERYWHERE!!!!!!! How I missed it this year, I will never know...

Driving to work this morning, not running late and thinking life is good - although I did think it was aweful early for children to be going to school....commute was a little heavier than usual - but seriously it's Monday! Listening to the radio drinking my cup of joe on my merry way.......HOLY CRAP...what did the radio dude just say......OMG!!!! I couldn't believe it!!!! So I looked at my cell phone knowing it wouldn't betray me, and why of course, we DID forget to SPRING AHEAD!!!!!!! How embarassing to call my Boss and advise I will be late due to NOT Springing AHEAD!!!! The only thing I could do was laugh......

So then I realized if I didn't know about the time change my darling SON wouldn't either....Give him a quick call and all is good. Rattled him out of bed and told him 10 mins to get to work....Poor thing - crappy way to wake up on a Monday morning.

My Husband has Mondays off - lucky duck! So I called him at 930 (real Spring ahead time) He had just gotten up - all rested - as he SHOULD BE IT'S 9:30!!!!! He seriously didn't believe me..... So good for a laugh and ringing true to it's a Monday thing......

Hope everyone else remembered to Spring ahead!!!!!!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

I like Bubbles in my Bath......times 3!!!!

Well it is that time of year, when Spring starts to creep in and everyone gets the dreaded flu!
I must say it has hit my house with a vengence!!!!!! As you all know, I have 2 boys and a husband......and we all know what men are like when they are sick........

Yesterday I had a call from my oldest son - "Mom come home, I am soooo sick". You must understand that he is fiercely independant and 18! So for him to call me close to tears to come home - he is SICK!!!!! So I zoomed home to my sick baby.....I got home and he had a fever of 104.something....into the tepid tub to cool him down and pile in the Motrin.....Drink up the gatorade and try to have some chicken noodle soup! He was soooo sick and sore and chills it was crazy! It has been about 2 years since he's been that sick!!!

I started cleaning his man cave, known to us as the basement. When I say clean - I mean DISINFECT!!!!ewww disgusting! But it had to be done, get rid of those aweful GERMS!!!! While my sick baby was in the tub and I was running around disinfecting, I started singing "I like bubbles in my bath" a song from long ago! I was thinking about when your babies are sick and how young they look, and how pathetic they look. I wish I could take away all their pain.

Thinking I was actually getting ahead of the game, I finally came out of the man cave, and upstairs on the main floor was my youngest baby - asking me if I had anything for a headache and sore throat! OMG - He is a very independant sick person, you are better off leaving him alone. Sneaking in his room and giving him medicine and running away again. Grumpy sick person is an UNDERSTATEMENT!!!!! His room is not as bad as the gross man cave, so I was able to throw some medicine his way and wait for the major flu to hit him...he is definately still in the early stages.

Part three of this tale-  not only are my 2 sons sick so is my HUSBAND!!!! Now, he has been quite sick for a few days already. I actually thought he was on his way to getting better. Again, last night on his way home - he always calls me - he was sounding worse and told me how aweful he felt! OMG X 3!!!!!! How can this be, all boys in my house are ill!!!!! My husband came home, ate some soup, had a neocitran and went to bed!

My hands are raw from all the washing and santizing - I am exhausted from running all over the house for the sick boys! The one disadvantage to a 2 storey home!!!!! :( Only to awake with a headache, sore throat and the begginings of body aches.....hmmmm I wonder which boy will take care of me while I am down with the flu????

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Too much, laugh your ass off drunk

Well, the title tells all doesn't it???? We ended up having way way way.......tooooooo much fun!!!! It has been a long time since I crawled home at 2 in the morning!!!!  It turned out NOT be Girls only - my Son, his friends and beloved girlfriend came too....But such fun....

All I know is that I am NOT drinking for awhile...I am unable to handle alchohol consumption for a bit. We did have a lot of laughs and it was interesting to go to a local Pub and stay there for the evening with your child.  The conversations that you end up having and the things you end up learning - especially after a few cocktails...hmmmm lets just say I was well educated that night. LOL

I look forward to relaxing this upcoming weekend, and being able to function the WHOLE weekend. Imagine the stuff I will be able to get done....hmmm maybe I should start my list now...the sun has been shining and the weather is warming, perhaps a bit of Spring cleaning is in the air!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, March 4, 2011

This n' That

I have been having these bizarre converstations with my oldest son.......At times I think we are too close...He was telling wayyyyy tooooo muuucccchhhh information and I seriously had to walk away... Realistically I know that too much information from a teenager is a rarity, but can be dangerous to the "Mom" ears to hear too much sex, drinking, girlfriends, friends, work, etc...... I seriously thought my poor little ears were going to bleed....(BRG - if you are reading this....please keep being open, I seriously am amazed that you would tell me this stuff and I LOVE that you trust me enough)

For the first time in a long time I had a little (ok perhaps it's was a really big rotten hang over) wine headache on a Thursday morning....THIS IS WHY I DON'T DRINK DURING THE WEEK, I am definately a cry baby when it comes to socializing during the week....what was I THINKING people!!!!!!! I guess that was my reminder that I truly can't drink during the week....

Speaking of socializing, tonight my peep is having a GIRL ONLY night out...NO BOYS ALLOWED.... she has invited friends of hers from all walks of life to gather 'round and should be interesting...I am pondering the amount of consumption I should do....moderation - that means I will be functioning tomorrow only to get stinky chores done.......or.......too much, laugh your ass off drunk.....which means I will be a complete write off for the weekend....but the later sounds like so much fun....I guess time will only tell. It should be a lot of fun...

Hoping everyone has a slap happy laugh your ass off weekend!!!!!!! TTFN