Monday, March 21, 2011

Finding Treasures and SHAVING?!?!?!?!?

I believe every female can relate to a new store opening in their City/Town..... We have been anxiously awaiting the opening of a few stores in our small town!

We first heard rumors of Costco a few years ago and after much anticipation it arrived safely and soundly! Yup, 2 minutes from our driveway - down the hill to our beloved Costco....ahhhhh it was lovely when it now the novelty of that has worn off......there is a new strip mall being built across from our beloved Costco....

Winners, Chatters, West 49, Dollarama - now those stores are the bomb!! Can you believe it?!?!?! We will never have to run to the big City again....all my dreams are coming true...although I am sure there are a few more stores that I MUST HAVE......Chatters and Dollarama have already opened this past weekend..I have not had the pleasure of checking them out myself yet, but you know it is on my list of MUST DO's!!!!!

This weekend is the much anticipated WINNER's opening...Now, with Winners, it can be a hit or miss. I have a love/hate relationship with this store. I will complain I never find anything and then I step in and all is mine! Other times I can search through EVERYTHING and find NOTHING.....grrrr but this weekend....I am going with my environmentally friendly shopping bags to hopefully fill them with all the lovely Spring treasures I find.  I have made my list of things that I NEED, and things that would be NICE.....ranging from new flats, to skinny pants, to blouses, bags, sheets, vases, picture frames, dresses, tops, shorts, hmmmm I am SURE I missed a few items...(evil cackle)

I will also be stopping in to check out the Dollarama - who doesn't need a card or some little thing from the dollar store? Also, will be checking out Chatters, it's time to buy some great product/shampoo/conditioner for my hair - Spring is coming and I must get those outfits co-ordinated and my hair looking great....ohhhhhh I just realized that would mean I NEED to shave/mow my legs and get rid of winter growth...(gross I know - but you can all relate).  So for now, I anxiously await the weekend with high hopes of fantastic TREASURES with my name on them!!!!

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