Monday, May 2, 2011

Birthday Mania

My youngest turned 17 on the 28th!!!! How in the world did that happen? Seriously wondering where all the time went and wonder how I got old enough to have an 18 year old and a 17 year old!!!!!

My youngest child is VERY level headed...he is so fantastic under pressure it is great, he doesn't like attention drawn to him either. (Complete opposite of my oldest) My "little one" whom I affectionately taller than I and so much more cooler than I......

He is very into computers and gaming - so for his birthday we decided to give cold hard CASH - that way he could buy whatever "stuff" he wanted for his games and computer...My Hubbie and I are very ILLITERATE when it comes to that "stuff." So on Saturday, we ventured off to the special store... it was FANTASTIC to see him in his ELEMENT! He totally understood and knew what everyone was talking about...he new exactly what he wanted and confidentially went to the counter and asked....then at the last minute he decided he really did want the new $80.00 RAT!!!!! (it's a really cool looking mouse) He walked out of that store on cloud 9....

I am happy to say he was spoiled by all and enjoyed the cold hard cash - so he could purchse his treasured "stuff" I would also like to say how very very proud I am to be his MOM - he is one cool kid who really has it together. He is not afraid to be different, he is not afraid to stand up for what he believes in, he is not afraid to hang out by himself and enjoy just plain quiet! I think he is one of the coolest 17 year olds I have EVER met. I love him to death and couldn't imagine my life without my "Kylie the bear" AKA my "little one" AKA my youngest Son Kyle.

To you my darling - Happy Birthday! I hope it was everything you ever wished it to be......MOM

ALSO - it was my most fav bestie's birthday on the 30th! Like I said, birthday mania....She is going through an interesting  and difficult time in her life with a cancer ridden Father, and working 24/7! It has been an uphill battle for her and she is definately on the STRESS DIET!!!!! One I do NOT reccommend. Even through all this she handles her self with GRACE and POISE - looking well put together, confident and in control! I can only imagine how she does it?!?!?! If I am going through hell I look like HELL!!!!!! So I hope our little gathering on Saturday night was a reminder of how LOVED and TREASURED she truly is! I raise my glass to you my darling! I hope your friendship lasts another 17 years or MORE!!!!!! Hugs to you...xxxx

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