Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Mother's Day, Tears and Penguins

Happy Mother's Day to all the best Mother's in the WORLD!!!!!!

My Mom started a tradition a few years ago now. She hosts a brunch at her house and we all bring something and all the BOYS COOK! I think it was a fabulous idea! Since my Sister, Mom and I run our families on a regular basis it is really fantastic to have the Grandson's, Father's and Gramps cook us breakie while we get to sit in the living room and do NOTHING!

Each event my boys and Hubbie usually give me a gift that will bring tears to my eyes! And this year is no different! I started with a really cool clothes dryer! I know -  its a fold out one that I put in my spare room to dry my delicates and special work clothes! I was truly EXCITED about it - then I realized how pathetic that is! Oh well (still really excited about it).  Kyle wrapped my new sunglasses in regular white paper and wrote all over it, it was ADORABLE! He wrote a joke on it....what is black and white and red all over....I of course thought a book...but.....wait for it......A PENGUIN WITH A SUNBURN!!!!! bahahahahhahaa So any who.... He also wrote me a card that so special to me....it ended with PS sorry I had no money - I'll give you hugs.....That is when the water works started....I must say it was a very nice Mother's Day - Thank you to my boys who always seem to make me feel like the BEST MOM in the WORLD! The truth is, my boys make it easy to be a MOM!

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